
Notifier can dispatch a variety of messages through various channels and varying formats to you to events in your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environment.


Types of notifications

  • Inventory Summary: Count of the resources added in the latest inventory crawl.
  • Violation Notifications: Individual violations that have been found from the latest scanner run.
  • Cloud SCC Findings: Violations converted to Cloud SCC (Cloud Security Command Center) findings format, that’s ingestable by Cloud SCC.

Channels used to notify

  • Email
  • Slack
  • Cloud Storage
  • Cloud Security Command Center

The possible formats of notifications

  • Human-readable data: CSV
  • Structured data: JSON

Configuring Notifier

Email Connector Config

Forseti security provides an interface to add the email connector of your choice. The email_connector information will be used when sending out all email notifications.

To configure email_connector, follow the steps below:

  1. Open forseti-security/configs/server/forseti_conf_server.yaml.
  2. Navigate to the notifier > email_connector section.

If you want the notifier to send violations and/or inventory summary via email, provide the corresponding values for all the fields mentioned below.

  • name
    • Description: The connector you want to use to receive emails. SendGrid and Mailjet are the only email connector supported at the moment.
    • Valid values: sendgrid or mailjet
  • auth
    • Description: The authentication/authorization key used to authorize requests to SendGrid or Mailjet.
    • Valid values: String
  • api_key
    • Description: The key used to authorize requests to SendGrid or Mailjet.
    • Valid values: String
  • api_secret
    • Description: The secret used to authorize requests to Mailjet. This field is required for Mailjet connector only.
    • Valid values: String
  • campaign
    • Description: Campaign tag specific for Mailjet. This field is required for Mailjet connector only.
    • Valid values: String
  • sender
    • Description: The email address of the sender.
    • Valid values: String
  • recipient
    • Description: The email addresses of the recipients.
    • Valid values: String
    • Note: Multiple email recipients as delimited by comma, for example,
  • data_format
    • Description: The format of the data generated for a given violation, and inventory summary.
    • Valid values: one of valid csv or json.

YAML below shows the email connector config for SendGrid.

To configure other email connector, name and auth fields should be modified accordingly.

      name: sendgrid
        api_key: {SENDGRID_API_KEY}
      sender: {SENDER EMAIL}
      recipient: {RECIPIENT EMAIL}
      data_format: csv

YAML below shows the email connector config for Mailjet.

To configure other email connector, name and auth fields should be modified accordingly.

      name: mailjet
        api_key: {Mailjet_API_KEY}
        api_secret: {Mailjet_API_secret}
        campaign: {Mailjet_Campaign}
      sender: {SENDER EMAIL}
      recipient: {RECIPIENT EMAIL}
      data_format: csv

Inventory Summary

This is a count of what resources have been crawled into inventory, and output to a Cloud Storage bucket.

To configure how you want Notifier to send the Inventory Summary, follow the steps below:

  1. Open forseti-security/configs/server/forseti_conf_server.yaml.

  2. Navigate to the notifier > inventory section.

If you want the notifier to upload the inventory summary to a Cloud Storage bucket, edit gcs_summary:

  • enabled
    • Description: Whether to send the inventory summary.
    • Valid values: one of valid true or false.
  • gcs_path
    • Description: The path to a Cloud Storage bucket.
    • Valid values: String
    • Note: Must start with gs://.
          enabled: true
          data_format: csv
          gcs_path: gs://path_to_foo_bucket

If you want the notifier to send the inventory summary via email, edit email_summary:

  • enabled
    • Description: Whether to send the inventory summary.
    • Valid values: one of valid true or false
          enabled: true

Violation Notifications

To configure how you want Notifier to send violation notifications, follow the steps below:

  1. Open forseti-security/configs/server/forseti_conf_server.yaml.
  2. Navigate to the notifier > resources section.

On a per-resources basis, the options below are available. You can use any combination of notifiers for each resource.

  • should_notify
    • Description: Whether a violation for each resource should be sent.
    • Valid values: one of valid true or false
  • name
    • Description: The name of the notifier you want for each resource.
    • Valid values: The name must match the actual module name for each notifier in forseti-security/google/cloud/forseti/notifier/notifiers, such as email_violations, or slack_webhook.
    • Note: You can specify multiple notifiers for each resource.
  • data_format
    • Description: The format of the data for a given violation.
    • Valid values: one of valid csv or json.
    • Note: Slack only supports the json type.
  • gcs_path
    • Description: The path to a Cloud Storage bucket.
    • Valid values: String
    • Note: Must start with gs://.
  • webhook_url

Note: To send violation notifications via email, you need to use name field only. Connector details needs to be provided in the email_connector section.

The following example shows how to update a .yaml file to add email, Slack, and Cloud Storage notifier for Cloud SQL violations:

    - resource: cloudsql_acl_violations
      should_notify: true
        - name: gcs_violations
            data_format: csv
            gcs_path: gs://path_to_foo_bucket
        - name: email_violations
        - name: slack_webhook
            data_format: json

Cloud SCC Notification

Forseti Security can be configured to send violations to Cloud Security Command Center (Cloud SCC).

Cloud SCC API is now Generally Available (GA). Please see the steps below to setup and configure.


  1. Install or upgrade Forseti to version 2.14+.
  2. The person performing the onboarding needs the following org-level IAM roles:
    • Organization Admin
    • Security Center Admin
    • Security Center Sources Admin
    • Service Account Admin


  1. Select Add Security Sources on the Cloud SCC Dashboard.

  2. Find the Forseti Cloud SCC Connector in Cloud Marketplace.

  3. Follow the step-by-step on-boarding flow triggered from the Forseti card.
    • Choose the project that is hosting Forseti
    • Use the existing Forseti server service account (which will be assigned the Security Center Findings Editor role)
    • Note: The on-boarding flow will generate a source_id and assign the Security Center Findings Editor role, which is required to write to the Cloud SCC API to surface the findings in the Cloud SCC.
  4. Enable the Cloud SCC API in the Forseti project either via either the UI or API:
    • via the UI (API & Services -> Library)
    • via the command line in Cloud Shell gcloud services enable
    • Note: You will need to have either owner, editor or service management roles in the Project in order to enable the API.

Using Terraform

  1. Enable the API connector config to Cloud SCC by configuring the following fields in your Terraform configuration:
  • cscc_violations_enabled
    • Description: Whether to send notification to Cloud SCC.
    • Valid values: One of valid true or false
  • cscc_source_id
    • Description: ID from the Cloud SCC on-boarding. This must be added to use the API integration.
    • Valid values: String
    • Note: It is in the form: <organizations/ORG_ID/sources/SOURCE_ID>

To verify violations appear in the Cloud SCC Dashboard, run the notifier after you have built an inventory and run the scanner.

Email notifications

Forseti Security can send email notifications using the SendGrid or Mailjet API. SendGrid is the suggested free email service provider for GCP. For information about how to get 12,000 free emails every month, see Sending email with SendGrid.

To use SendGrid to send email notifications for Forseti Security, follow the process below:

  1. Sign up for a SendGrid account.
  2. Create a general API Key.
  3. Edit the email_connector section in forseti_conf_server.yaml to provide SendGrid specific details.

Note that SendGrid automatically includes an invisible tracking pixel in your emails. This may cause email warnings about opening images. To disable this, disable SendGrid Open Tracking.

To use Mailjet, you should have a contract with mailjet then collect an API Key, an API secret and optionnaly a campaign name if you want to be able to use a specific campaign tag for foresti.

Adding a new email connector

  1. To add a new email connector of your choice, create the connector specific class similar to under
  2. This class should inherits the base email connector class,, and implements the methods to send out emails using the new connector that’s being added.
  3. Update the EMAIL_CONNECTOR_FACTORY in with the new connector and connector specific class that was created.
  4. Update the email_connector section under notifier in forseti_conf_server.yaml with configuration details of the new connector.

What’s next